Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: A0032

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
Washington State University
Pullman, WA
1830 Book of Mormon, Washington State University
Copyright page: ink stamp of “State College of Washington Library” used between 1905-1959, renamed to Washington State University afterwards.
Copyright page: pencil mark “Gift of C.M Brewster 5-19-42” assuming 1942
Unique Features
Spine: Intact, gold lines visible, old library call number worn off on lowest spine box. some wear on right side of babel
Spine Lettering and Label: black label present, top line letters visible, worn. Bottom row almost illegible
Cover: original cover. Marbling present. three black dots visible on lower half of cover and one black dot, upper half middle of cover. larger dark mark upper left near spine.
Binding: intact, one front endpapers, back endpaper present
Title Page: present. Vertical rip from upper right corner, down through paragraphs and text, ending about an inch above the lower right corner. Ripped piece removed and missing. small piece of paper glued under Book of Mormon title: “1143”. Water stain on top edge
Text: full text block.
Inscription: Copyright page pencil “Gift of C.M Brewster 5-19-42”
Notes: Witness page: normal “seen”, 2 paper crease down page. preface: “iv”. Page 212/122 error. Copyright page, pencil library card number: “Z 289.3 B6446”. Preface page pencil at bottom: “117300798” Back endpaper page in ink and upside down: “L C Johnson”. Back cover pastedown glue marks from library checkout card holder. Front cover pastedown, large bookplate listing State College of Washington Library, Gift of Prof C.M. Brewster, In memory of Mr. & Mrs. M.F. Brewster Chagrin Falls Ohio. Above bookplate sticker name of “Johnson” in pencil, rest illegible. both upper corners listing 27.50 (assuming dollars) front end paper recto: “Sunday” in pencil, rest illegible.